The eighth grade class here at St. Pius V School is deep into learning, both in core subjects such as math and reading as well as in our spiritual journey through religion class. Each day in math, we are learning something new about linear equations, functions, and quadratic equations. The english classes are engrossed in reading To Kill a Mockingbird, and learning about the day to day prejudices of the 1930s. In science, we are learning about the atmosphere, a modern and current topic. But a few new projects and upcoming events require further exploration.
Recently, a new history project has been assigned. This project spans to the end of the school year, at the same time as the course of our normal history curriculum. The project entails detailed research into any topic of the student’s choice, culminating into a ten paragraph essay. Throughout the time period this project takes place, there are specific benchmarks such as when the notecards are due, the outline and rough draft, and so on. Once the essays have been completed, each student is required to present a ten minute oral defense to an esteemed panel of experts. This project is being completed in conjunction with grammar class.
The group of eighth grade students who are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation this May have also been progressing through their preparations. At least once a week, we have been watching videos from a Confirmation course, and have been completing supplemental essays and activities. At the moment, the class is working on the saint reports for our Confirmation saints. Sponsors have been reached out to, and the paperwork has begun to be completed . Everyone is counting down the days to these very important events during our last few months here at Saint Pius V School.